Animal Care Practitioner


I have been a pet owner for countless years, having had cats, dogs, hamsters, gerbils, rabbits, a chinchilla, fish, stick insects, and currently axylotls. I simply adore animals.

My black Labrador, Shadow, (pictured here), was my inspiration for setting up my business. She was diagnosed with diabetes at the age of 12 years, becoming visually impaired 6 months later, and as she aged, she struggled with mobility due to arthritis. In her final years, she required regular medication and a great deal of care.

Leaving her alone, was a constant worry, even for short periods. I knew there would be other people out there in the same predicament we had been in, and so, after her passing, I decided to set up ShadowMe in her honour. 

I had studied Animal Care at Grimsby College years earlier, but I decided to update and improve my knowledge before taking on any clients. I completed my Diploma in Complete Animal Care in 2019, followed by a Diploma in Canine Myotherapy in 2020, and I have also studied a variety of other animal related subjects along the way. Most recently I have completed a Diploma in Zoopharmacognosy, and I am currently a student practitioner of Tellington touch (T-touch).

I have a particular soft spot for senior dogs and cats, but I have the time and affection to spare for any pets that use my services, and you can leave them in my care with confidence. 

I know how special they are to you, so, in return, I provide a special service to them..... I'm good like that.

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